🖤 Sophie He 🖤
Sophie He is a writer from the San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles. She holds an MFA from Washington University in St. Louis, where she taught creative nonfiction, and has received support for her writing from Ucross Foundation, Writing Between the Vines, and Idyllwild Arts. She works as a copywriter and lives in Pasadena, CA.
Here are some things she's written:
"The Face of Carter Chong," Dirt
"How to Write 'Death'," No Tokens
"The Smell," Essay Daily
"Creative Nonfiction Writing Prompts, Fall 2020," McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
"Chinatownland," Black Warrior Review (2019 BWR Nonfiction Contest runner-up)
"Taglines," DIAGRAM
"What Wong Kar-wai’s Films Meant to Young Asians in America," Catapult (RIP)
💌️ Want to gab? Shoot me an email.